Thursday, September 24, 2009

mining the museum

I have selected four paintings for this assignment. The paintings would be hung on the walls of a jail cell. There would be a sumptuous bed in the middle of the cell and nothing else. I want the paintings to say something about women using their sexual powers for violence and other evils.

As I walked through the museum last Thursday, I noticed many depictions of women. Two paintings that I have always found to be interesting are the Judith with Holofernes and Salome with John the Baptist. In both pictures the women are either in the process of decapitating their gentleman victim or have already completed the task. In both instances the men were much more capable of winning in a fight, so to battle the brawn the women used their seductive powers to lure the men into a vulnerable position and ultimately death.

I included a picture of Calypso, the sea nymph who put a spell on Ulysses and kept him captive for 7 years. Calypso is said to have "persuaded" Ulysses to stay with love and promises of immortality. This is another display of a woman using her seductive power for evil.
The last picture is of the penitent Magdalene who was labeled as a whore and cast out of her village. In the painting, dark clouds loom over a scared Magdalene and a skull sits on a stump next to her elbow. The painting seems to say that a dark and destitute death lies ahead for the promiscuous mistress of Christ.

With these paintings I hope a conversation about the different ways that violence is portrayed among the sexes, the wide disparity between women being life bearers or whore-lepers of society, and finally I want the viewers of these paintings to picture men as the women displayed here and to consider how it changes the theme.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Postmodern blog

Barbara Kruger uses a mixture of manipulated photography and text to make her postmodern works of art. Essentially, postmodernism is a trend in art, literature and philosophy that represents itself in direct opposition to modernism. Postmodernism claims a style that is not so much about the aesthetic of a work of art as it is an expression of an idea. Modernist artists tends to critique the past by exploring nuances of their own. Postmodern artists like Barbara Kruger use ideas from other people, change the original context and create new representations all together. In her work "Allegiance", Kruger displays four boxes of text; one with the pledge of allegiance, one with a marriage vow, one that designates a will and the last one with a barrage of questions that make the viewer think about the three pledges that a vast majority of Americans take with out notice. This work is considered art because there is obvious attention to color scheme and composition. The white lines between the texts make one think of a cross and other allegiances one takes.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

first blog-idge

too tired for blogging